Friday, November 5, 2010

Russell E. Train Fellowship for citizens of Latin America

supporting graduate study in climate change adaptation[1] in Latin America

2010-2011 Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in WWF’s Education for Nature Program (EFN). Please read the following carefully to determine if you are eligible to apply for a Russell E. Train Fellowship.


Financial support for tuition, books, travel to and from the training institution, and room and board for academic program for up to two years;

Costs for field research required by the academic institution to obtain the degree;

Complimentary copies of EFN News;

Long-term professional development support through the EFN Alumni Program; and

Networking opportunities to meet with other EFN grantees, alumni, and WWF staff through periodic regional gatherings.


* You must be a citizen or legal permanent resident of any of the following countries: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Surinam where WWF or its associate organizations have ongoing activities.
* You must have at least two year’s work experience in conservation and a clear interest in climate change.
* You must commit to working at least two years after the completion of your degree in your home country or another country in Latin America.
* You must NOT have received a Russell E. Train Scholarship or Fellowship in the past. Those who have received EFN Professional Development Grants may apply for a Train Fellowship.
* You must NOT be a current WWF employee, a long-term consultant to WWF, or an employee seconded to WWF from a government agency or other organization. Consultants on short-term contracts with WWF may be eligible. If you are working for WWF, it is strongly advised that you contact EFN in Washington, DC at to make sure you are eligible before applying.
* Your thesis or dissertation should be focused on climate change adaptation including science (climate change modeling and application in terrestrial and marine ecosystems, monitoring or vulnerability assessments), adaptation strategy and program development for key biodiversity targets, and adaptation policy and communications.
* You must be enrolled in, admitted to or have applied to a graduate degree program (master's or PhD) at an institution of higher education by the application deadline and you must plan to begin your studies no later than one year after the application deadline. You may study in your home country or abroad.
* Individuals who are currently WWF Fuller Fellows may not receive a Train Fellowship. Applicants may apply to both programs simultaneously, if they are eligible for both, but cannot receive both fellowships from WWF.

Because EFN funds are limited, Train Fellows are encouraged to contribute to their educational expenses with personal or funding from other sources when possible.

To apply please download the application at: If you have any questions, please email us at:

The application deadline for the Fellowships is

February 28, 2011

All applications must be sent by this date. Applications sent after this date will not be considered.

[1] Adaptation: initiatives and measures to reduce the vulnerability of natural and human systems against actual or expected climate change effects.

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